Charity Knitting
If you are aware of other Charity Knitting opportunities, and would like to see them listed here, please email us at
Loose Ends
Connects unfinished projects left behind by loved ones, with volunteer crafters who will finish the projects.
Crochet for Cancer
Crochet for Cancer is a Christian volunteer based non-profit that donates handmade chemo caps to cancer centers for patients coping with hair loss.
Project Linus
Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need.
Snuggles Project
Collects knitted, crocheted, and sewn blankets and pads for shelter animals in need of comfort. Be sure to follow their pattern guidelines.
Clear Path for Veterans
Clear Path exists to support veterans and their families. Twisted Stitches donates mittens, hats, scarves, finerless mitts, headbands and lap blankets to this worthy cause.